Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Gluten Free Pumpkin Soufflé Muffins

Pumpkin almond flax quinoa. Gluten and dairy free with eggs and
sweetened with molasses and honey an cinnamon !
Bake time 22!
Prep time 30mins!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012 with friends!

AWESOME! THANKSGIVING DINNER at the Goddess house! Made by Michelle Lee: -Curry TUna Fish Salad with organic spinach and greens - Blueberry Quinoa PUdding Made by me: - Pasta Bake with organic kale, pumpkin, truffle oil, olive oil, almond, brown rice pasta - Gluten Free PUmpkin Brownies - Organic Cowboy Chilli with Organic Beef Gluten Free Liz: Turkey Scott: Thai Chilli chicken and veggies Wendy: Vegan and also meat version of stuffing with Quinoa Matt: mAshed Potatoes Dan: Potatoes Au Gratin YUMMMY!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Kick start your day with this natural energy Smoothie

Filled with antioxidants , omega fatty 3

Vega protein powder, almond milk , Fiji berries , frozen bananas , blueberries, flax seeds , organic cacao nibs, chia seeds , super green food with probiotics !

Breakfast on set with LXD dancers

Breakfast on set of Microsoft commerci with LXD dancers FranticK, Devious, MAD Chadd, and J-Smooth(step up 3 & 4)

Kale smoothie with fried eggs and little Soya

Fried eggs with Gluten Free Soy Sauce. Little Soya

And kale banana almond milk smoothie ! Made with a blendtec

Yummy food in Nova Scotia!

Blessed to be flown out and hosted in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia and teach HIP HOP dance to the youth of KIDZACT with my girl Mis Von ( Season 3 SYTYCD).

The scallops and shrimp were delicious , and despite my anti fried food and anti gluten life style, I was able to healthfully everyday !

I over dosed on Sweet potatoe fries because I have an obsession with sweet potatoes , GREAT FOR Blood type O!

Here's some meals I ate in Nova Scotia !

Spinach , scallops , Shrimp, and donair like Donnerkebab but wih crazy cream sauce on top ( that did not settle in my belly nice) but Donair was tasty !

Wednesday, January 18, 2012